SMS Marketing in numbers

Used since the 1990s for interpersonal exchanges, SMS has emerged as a powerful lever for direct marketing for businesses. Yet 6 out of 10 companies still have not integrated mobile marketing into their communications device. With unbeatable reading and memorization rates and a high virality rate of around 25%, SMS marketing is proving to be an essential channel for relaying one-off transactions - sales, flash sales, events ... - and boosting the customer relationship. Especially when you know that more than 9 out of 10 French have a mobile phone. The point in figures, to finish convincing you!
In this article
    • SMS marketing: an effective and yet under-exploited channel
    • Marketing SMS: an undeniable drive to store / drive to web effect
    • The 5 best practices of SMS Marketing

SMS Marketing in numbers

SMS marketing: an effective and yet under-exploited channel

  • 92% of marketing SMS are read within 4 minutes of receiving it 1
  • 60% storage rate for marketing SMS, 15% for TV, 14% for radio 2
  • 5.6 SMS marketing received on average per month in France, by mobile, against 6.2 in the United States, 9.4 in Sweden, 9.6 in Australia and 12.4 in the United Kingdom 3
  • + 15% promotional SMS sent between 2017 and 2018 in France 3
  • + 38% transactional SMS sent between 2017 and 2018 in France 3

Marketing SMS: an undeniable drive to store / drive to web effect

  • 53% of French people like to receive advertising SMS from brands, whether they are customers or not 4
  • 66% of French people have already moved to a store they are used to after receiving an SMS 4
  • 47% of French people have already moved to a store they are not used to after receiving an SMS 4
  • 52% of French people have already visited the website of the brand after receiving an advertising SMS 4
  • 43% of French people have already made a purchase of the brand or brand on the Internet after receiving an SMS 4

The 5 best practices of SMS Marketing

  • Make sure you have permission from your customers to send them promotional communications via their phone number . A doubt ? Take stock of the obligations of the RGPD in terms of direct marketing
  • As with an e-mailing campaign, the day and time you decide to send your SMS will have an impact on the success of your campaign . Ask when your recipients will be most receptive.

French law protects consumers: it is forbidden to send SMS marketing on Sundays and public holidays, as well as during the week after 22H.

  • Target your audience: as with all marketing campaigns, a good customer knowledge will ensure you better results and optimize your ROI.
  • Be concise and effective: a marketing SMS contains only 149 characters , once the mention STOP PUB integrated (obligation of the CNIL). It's short, but it's also what helps memorize your message!
    Do not hesitate to personalize your SMS, with the name of your sign, that of the recipient to reinforce the impact of your message.
  • Extend the customer experience and offer a true mobile journey with rich SMS . Integrate a short URL into your SMS, to redirect the openers to a dedicated landing page (point-of-sale geolocation, invitation to an event, form, scratch card ...).

More info about direct marketing here.

Topics: SMS marketing

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